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Tips for Making Life With Dentures Much Easier

Sep 09, 2024
Tips for Making Life With Dentures Much Easier
So you have new dentures. How do you get used to the new routine and make life with dentures as easy as possible?

If you’ve lost multiple teeth in an arch (upper or lower) or even one or both complete arches of teeth, you may be considering dentures. 

How quickly you adjust to life with dentures depends on the type of dentures you get and how well-fitted they are, as well as how dedicated you are to learning how to care for and talk, eat, and do other everyday things with your dentures in place.

At Bayside Dental Arts in Bayside, New York, Dr. Andrey Ilyabayev and our team can walk you through your options and help you pick the one that’s right for you. Here’s what you should know about making life with dentures easier.

Types of dentures

There are three main types of dentures

Partial dentures

These are designed to replace several teeth that are missing. The teeth do not have to be next to each other. We attach a metal framework to support teeth that hold the restorations that are stand-ins for your original teeth. 

Partial dentures (also known as bridgework) can be permanently bonded in place or removable.

Complete dentures

These are designed to place an entire arch of teeth. These adhere to your gums with adhesive, and you remove them each night for cleaning and storage. They are the most common type of dentures recommended for older people who are toothless.

Implant-supported dentures

Implants in your jawbone hold these dentures in place. In many cases, just four to six titanium screws implanted in your jawbone can support a complete arch of dentures. The dentures snap onto sockets at the tops of the posts. Yours may or may not be removable.

Getting used to life with dentures

You may need a period of adjustment when you get dentures. You might feel a little uncomfortable the first time you wear them, but you’ll soon get used to having a full set of teeth once again.

Partial dentures and implant-supported dentures are fairly easy to adjust to, since they more closely mimic your former teeth and position. Complete standard dentures that adhere to your gums take a little more adjustment time.

Dealing with soreness and drooling

You’ll feel some pressure the first few days or weeks that you wear your dentures. This should ease over time and be gone inside of a month. If not, call us for a refitting. 

Since your gums are being stimulated, you might produce a little more saliva than usual. This also should pass within a few weeks. Carry a handkerchief to discreetly wipe your mouth if needed.

Eating and talking with your new dentures

If you just got standard dentures, stick to a soft food diet for a few days while your gums get used to the constant pressure. Once your gums adjust, you can slowly introduce foods that are harder to chew. 

Here are some of our tips for eating with dentures

  • Don’t eat or drink anything that’s very hot
  • Bite using your side teeth, not your front teeth, and use caution at first
  • Switch sides as you chew to equalize pressure
  • Skip hard or sticky foods, as they can cause your dentures to shift 

Speaking with dentures can feel strange at first, too. At the start, carry something you can bite down on before speaking. This will ensure your dentures are seated and give you more awareness about the inside of your mouth. 

This little trick can make it much easier to enunciate words. With practice you’ll be able to speak clearly again.  

Denture adjustments

If you’re still having problems with your dentures after a month, you might need to have your dentures adjusted. At Bayside Dental, we can perform denture adjustment at intervals until you feel comfortable with the fit and there’s no rubbing or soreness. 

You’ll need to follow denture care guidelines and do regular maintenance at home. Proper cleaning and storage maintain the integrity of the materials your dentures are made of. 

You may also need to have your dentures relined every few years to make up for wear-and-tear and changes in your underlying bone structure.

Are you thinking about dentures? Dr. Ilyabayev can explain your options. To schedule a consultation, call us at Bayside Dental Arts at 315-908-0804 or book an appointment online.