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4 Hacks to Care for Your Dentures

Jan 02, 2024
4 Hacks to Care for Your Dentures
Adjusting to dentures is easier when you know what to expect and how to properly care for your new teeth. Here are four hacks for making denture care easier.

For patients who have lost multiple teeth or are completely edentulous (toothless) in one or both arches, dentures may be the best option to restore a smile. Understanding the correct way to care for your dentures is key to comfort and functionality.

At Bayside Dental Arts, Andrey Ilyabayev, DDS, provides comprehensive dental care, including dentures, to keep you smiling your whole life through.

Adjusting to wearing and caring for dentures may take a few weeks or even months, but in time, it will be a normal part of your routine. You can make things easier on yourself by applying a few hacks to your denture care.

Change your eating habits

Once you get your dentures and the few days of soreness and a soft food diet have passed, you can resume normal eating. But you need to change your eating habits to protect your dentures:

  • Don’t bite into things directly with your front teeth if you can avoid it
  • Cut meat from bone and corn from cob
  • Avoid biting things that are very hot or very cold
  • Steer clear of very sticky or very hard food that could shift your dentures
  • Alternate which side of your mouth you chew on to avoid uneven pressure and wear 

You should be able to eat everything you used to enjoy before you had dentures. Just keep in mind that if your dentures aren’t implant-supported, even adhesive can allow slippage if you’re too enthusiastic at the dinner table.

Keep your dentures clean

If you have removable dentures, take them out every night, clean them with a soft brush to remove adhesive, and store them in fresh solution in a closed container. In the morning, rinse, apply fresh adhesive, and reinsert them, making sure they’re seated firmly. 

If you have permanent dentures, you should be able to brush them as you would real teeth. Brush the inner and outer faces of your gums, and rinse your dentures well. Ignoring denture hygiene can cause gum irritation, infection, and disease.

Never let your dentures dry out

If your dentures get too dry, they can harden, warp or crack. Make sure you:

  • Drink water throughout the day to keep your dentures hydrated
  • Talk to your dentist if you have dry mouth issues
  • Never sleep with removable dentures in
  • Store your dentures properly every night, submerged in their case

Proper denture care extends the lifespan of your dentures and helps you avoid infection in your mouth.

Have your dentures updated regularly

Dentures aren’t a one-and-done affair. As you age, the areas of your mouth where real teeth used to be slowly lose bone in the jaw, due to tooth roots no longer providing stimulation. 

You should be enrolled in a regular recall and maintenance program with Dr. Ilyabayev to avoid ill-fitting dentures.

In some cases, we can revise your dentures for a better fit against your changing gumline. Eventually, you may need a complete refit. If you have sore spots or pain where your dentures rest on your gums, call us for a check. Dentures shouldn't be uncomfortable.

 Are you ready for dentures? To schedule a visit, call 315-908-0804 to reach us at Bayside Dental Arts in Bayside, Queens, in New York City, or request an appointment online.