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3 Reasons You May Need a Tooth Extracted 

Aug 14, 2024
3 Reasons You May Need a Tooth Extracted 
While your adult teeth are meant to last a lifetime, they don’t always make it that long. Here are three reasons you may need a tooth extracted and what to do next.

Dentists avoid extracting teeth when possible, but sometimes keeping a tooth intact is riskier than removing it. 

There are many reasons you might need a tooth extracted, but an extraction is just the first step. You’ll likely need additional care after the extraction to avoid further tooth loss. 

At Bayside Dental Arts in Bayside, New York, Dr. Andrey Ilyabayev and our team perform general and cosmetic dentistry, including extractions and tooth replacements such as dental implants.

When tooth extraction is necessary 

A mere cavity is not enough to warrant the full removal of a tooth. When evaluating your teeth, we take measures to preserve the basic structure. Fillings and root canals remove decay and seal up openings that can provide a doorway to infection. Crowns protect and reinforce damaged teeth. 

But there are times when the tooth is too far gone to be saved. This typically occurs for one of three reasons: 

The tooth is severely damaged 

Severe fractures and instability may warrant removal of a tooth. It is difficult to repair a tooth once it has been broken into pieces or cracked down to the root. 

Extraction may also be necessary in cases involving tooth luxation, in which the ligaments holding the tooth in place become damaged. 

The gums are severely infected and the tooth is rapidly decaying 

Very few toothaches lead to extractions, but gum disease coupled with tooth decay is still the leading cause of tooth loss. Dr. Ilyabayev does his best to save your teeth using techniques like:

  • Fillings
  • Root canals
  • Scaling
  • Gum grafting

But if your teeth are severely decayed or contribute to an ongoing infection, he may recommend extraction. 

The tooth has become impacted 

Wisdom teeth don’t always grow in the right places, meaning they can get impacted (stuck behind another tooth). This puts pressure on your surrounding teeth and can severely damage them. 

If you have an impacted wisdom tooth, we can safely extract it before it leads to future dental problems. 

Life after tooth loss 

Following the extraction procedure, Dr. Ilyabayev checks in to make sure you’re healing properly and with as little pain as possible. From there, you can decide whether to pursue replacement. 

If the tooth is a primary molar or affects your smile, you may be eager to fill the gap. A dental implant can fully replace your former tooth, right down to the root. Implants also stimulate the socket like actual teeth, preserving your jawbone. 

Do you need a tooth pulled? Dr. Ilyabayev can explain your options and outlook. To schedule a consultation, call us at Bayside Dental Arts at 315-908-0804 or book an appointment online.